
You Down With TOTB?

What's that, you say?

Think Outside the Bottle (TOTB) is a nation-wide campaign started by Corporate Accountability International, the same people fighting for healthier lunches in our public schools and challenging big tobacco companies. The goal of the campaign is to spread awareness about the environmental impacts of supporting bottled water companies and advocate for improved public water supply systems here and around the globe.

As BU students, ESO adopted the campaign on campus in the Spring of 2010 with the goal of reaching out to the BU community and joining the cause to stop the purchase and sale of bottled water here on campus. So far, we've distributed free "BU Taps That" water bottles and have participated in awareness festivals on campus.

What's going on this semester?

We are increasing our presence on campus by hosting water taste tests in the GSU every Thursday, performing water fountain audits in the major buildings, surveying students on their knowledge of bottled water, and communicating with faculty and administrators about the future of bottled water contracts on campus.

How can I get involved?

Visit http://www.stopcorporateabuse.org/students-think-outside-bottle to learn more about the campaign. If you're interested in getting involved or simply have a few good suggestions, e-mail us at environmentalstudentorg@gmail.com.

As always, ESO meetings are every Thursday at 7pm in CAS 442.

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