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Check back later this summer to find out ESO's new meeting time.

President - Alex Lundsted

Alex Lundsted is a Junior in CAS studying Environmental Analysis and Policy. She is passionate about protecting our planet, and enjoys dancing, hiking, and sunflowers.


Vice President - Hannah Walters

Hannah is a sophomore from North Carolina and is majoring in History any Environmental Analysis & Policy. She looks forward to studying sustainable development in Costa Rica next Spring. She also loves tea, mountains, The Office, and bonsai trees.


Treasurer - Maggie Wang

Maggie is a rising senior in CAS majoring in Environmental Analysis & Policy and Economics. She has interned at Earthwatch, Encyclopedia of Earth, and Cassidy & Associates. Her hobbies include swimming, biking, and watching movies. She is also an active member of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

Secretary - Madeline Smith

Madeline is a sophomore in CAS studying Environmental Policy and Analysis. She is interested in sustainability and biodiversity. She is also involved with BU's knitting club and enjoys swimming and yoga.

Community Service Chairperson - Becca Antonoplos

Becca is a junior in CAS from Havre de Grace, Maryland. She's majoring in Biology with a specialization in Ecology and Conservation Biology and minoring in Environmental Science. While at BU, Becca is involved with UROP and focuses on how winter climate change will affect nitrogen uptake of a northern hardwood forest. She's also a member of BU pep bad and a CAS Peer Advisor. Becca loves the outdoors, reading, and running.